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Mestre Bimba strove to preserve the cavalaria rhythm in honour of the past when capoeiristas used it to…

São Bento Pequeno

Also known as São Bento pequeno or Inverted Angola (because it replaces the high note of the Angola toque with the low and vice versa)…

E Tanto Que Eu Peço a Deus – Mestre Boa Voz

É tanto que peço a Deus
É tanto que Deus me dá
É tão pouco que eu mereço
Mas I nada me faltará
(with English translation)

São Bento Grande de Angloa

This is a generally a faster paced game played with ample movements. Rasteiras, tesouras, and vingativas are common in this game.

Samba de Roda

This rhythm comes from the traditional Sambas de Roda of Bahia and is perhaps the oldest of the toques listed…

Na Aruanda

With English Translations


A slow to moderate rhythm, Idalina was also created by Mestre Bimba, and is often heard in regional rodas…

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