9 Tolles St West Hartford Connecticut USA
This is a Brazilian style with African roots that utilizes a lot of ground maneuvers, aerial work, and dance type motions. It is a martial art that utilizes dance and acrobatics as its medium. The system is absolutely beautiful.
It is worthy to note that we have a lot of people inquire about Capoeira and say, “It looks beautiful, but I can’t do that.” The above video is a great example of the style. The practitioners in the video have been studying for many years. When you begin in Capoeira, you start with the basics. It is a wonderful style, and people of all shapes, sizes, and ability should try it if they want to. Give it a shot, you will be surprised what you can do when the learning process is broken down.
Joel (AKA Suave) is an accomplished Capoeirista with an energy for the art that is highly contagious. Included in his experience, Joel trained with Mestre Efraim Silva for four years, and he has trained with Mestre Pinga Fogo for eight years. Currently under the supervision of Mestre Pinga Fogo, Suave enjoys training and sharing his knowledge of Capoeira with students of all ages.
Joel is the co-owner of Matica Arts, LLC. and runs Matica in Harwinton, CT as his full-time profession. As one of the highest ranking Capoeiristas in Connecticut, Suave consults with us in regards to our Capoeira program.