53 Shorebreeze Ct Palo Alto California USA
Established in 1989.
Brazivedas started with Mestre Beiçola a 36-year master of Capoeira, an African-Brazilian martial art and dance form. Now based in East Palo Alto, Calif., Beiçola has performed and taught workshops throughout the world, including Japan, Guam, Saipan, Spain, France and Germany, in addition to the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Hawaii, Ohio, Oregon and Kentucky. A native of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Beiçola first came to the United States in 1988 with the samba extravaganza “Oba Oba,” a company of 70 top Brazilian musicians, capoeiristas and dancers. Performing in 12 separate acts, Beiçola toured theaters from Broadway to Hollywood before settling in the San Francisco Bay Area. Over the last 20 years, he has taught Capoeira, Brazilian dance, percussion and stringed instruments at the region’s top universities, including Stanford University, the University of California at Berkeley, and California State Universities of Hayward and San Jose.