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São Bento Grande de Angloa

This is a generally a faster paced game played with ample movements. Rasteiras, tesouras, and vingativas are common in this game.

Minha Varanda

Aqui é minha casa
Minha varanda
Meu dendê


Amazonas is a rhythm created by Mestre Bimba. It has no traditionally-associated game…

Santa Maria

Mestre Bimba’s Santa Maria is different from the Santa Maria in Capoeira Angola.

Mestre Toni Vargas – Noite Sem Lua

“I lived in Engenho de Dentro, a suburb of Rio. There, I had a group of very special friends: we were more than friends, we were brethren of capoeira…”

Noite Da Saudade (Hoje a lua não brilhou la no céu)

Hoje a lua não brilhou la no céu
hoje meu berimbau não tocou
With English Translation

Learn to play the Berimbau

We hope you enjoy these video tutorials with Mestre Virgulinho on how to play the Berimbau.


A medium-paced and graceful game, it is played traditionally by “formados” (graduated students)…


Banguela is a slower rhythm created by Mestre Bimba. It is a “jogo de floreios”, not in the sense of acrobatics…

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