Sinhá Mandou Chamar

Capoeira song “Sinhá Mandou Chamar”, Instrutor Boa Voz (Abadá)

Sinhá mandou chamar
Sinhá mandou dizer
Que se o negro não vir vai apanhar
Mas negro não quer saber
Sinhá mandou chamar

Sinhá mandou chamar
Sinhá mandou dizer
Que se o negro não vir vai apanhar
Mas negro não quer saber

Negro não quer saber
Se vai pro tronco de madeira
É que o negro esquece tudo
Quando tá na Capoeira
Sinhá mandou chamar


Era assim que acontecia
Se o negro não obedecesse
O capitão lhe prendia
Pra bater na covardia
Sinhá mandou chamar…


Hoje em dia é diferente
Com a abolição da escravatura
Corda que amarrou o negro
Hoje eu trago na cintura
Sinhá mandou chamar…


A dor era tanta
Que feriu meu coração
Pois sabia que apanhava
E o castigo quem dava era irmão
Sinhá mandou chamar…


The slave owner called for
The slave owner sent me to say
If the Negro does not come, he’ll get a beating.
But the Negro does not want to know
The slave owner called for..

The slave owner called for
The slave owner sent me to say
If the Negro does not come, he’ll get a beating.
But the Negro does not want to know

The Negro does not want to know
If he will go to the tree trunk
Is that the Negro forgets everything
When he’s in Capoeira
The slave owner called for..


In the old days
This was how it happened
If the Negro did not obey
The captain would bound him
To beat him in cowardice
The slave owner called for..


Today is different
With the abolition of slavery
The rope that once tied the Negro
Today I wear it around my waist
Sinhá sent for …


The pain was so much
That it hurt my heart
Because I knew that I was
And the punishment given was by his brother
The slave owner called for..

Capoeira musica “Sinhá Mandou Chamar”, Boa Voz (Abadá)
Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

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